
Showing posts from October, 2017


Have you seen the #MeToo hashtag on your social media feed?  I struggle with those two simple words on social media as a platform to stand against sexual harassment and affect change.  As a modest woman, I shy away from sharing my personal stories of sexual harassment and wonder if this movement, like the gun control movement following a mass shooting, will quickly dissipate with the next news story.  #MeToo is not sufficient explanation for the pain and suffering endured by victims, and unfettered access to growing internet pornography and social media exploitation are largely to blame.  Personally I choose to take a stand for those who are finding their voice. I fear all women have been sexually harassed at some point in their lives and we all have many stories to tell.  My 13-year-old daughter was sexually harassed in eighth grade following our relocation last year.  Transitioning as a teenager to a new school in your last year of middle school is diff...

The Sriracha Effect

I have always been a proponent of language in our house.  "Use your words," I constantly remind the children, "and stop pounding your brother!"  My daughter learned 'wild words' in 5th grade; multi-syllabic challenges to our vocabulary, like 'perseverance', we implemented at dinnertime.  Foreign languages expand brain development, so I've shared smatterings with my children over the years and successfully advocated for a Spanish and after-school French class at our school.  My tolerance for profanity, however, in a house full of children, is zilch.  As such,  I swear by the 'Sriracha Effect'! I always knew my children would learn more than George Carlin's 'Seven Dirty Words' on the playground.   Over the years I've cautioned my children, "Use swear words at school and I'll know!"  Initially, they figured it was because of my CIA training and skill in lie detection and surveillance, however, I reminde...

Oh No You Didn't

Drastic behaviors call for drastic measures and my children's reactions ranged from "Oh no, you didn't!" to "What does this mean?” as they stared dumbfounded at the sign posted on our refrigerator.  Observing the sheer chaos I had caused, I relished the pleasure of liberation.  While I have fantasized about posting a sign 'Mom's left for the Pacific Crest Trail', or 'Mom's on an Eat, Pray, Love International Adventure', carrying nothing more than a backpack and none of the worries that accompany parenthood, that was not the sign I posted that day.  Who hasn't dreamt of escape?  That Monday, I did the next best thing; I closed the kitchen, and experienced relief and validation.   I look forward to the 2-3 times per week that we can sit down as a family and enjoy a delicious meal I have thoughtfully prepared.  The other nights we are lucky to have a sandwich in the car as we race off to children's sports activities.  I affecti...