Have you seen the #MeToo hashtag on your social media feed? I struggle with those two simple words on social media as a platform to stand against sexual harassment and affect change. As a modest woman, I shy away from sharing my personal stories of sexual harassment and wonder if this movement, like the gun control movement following a mass shooting, will quickly dissipate with the next news story. #MeToo is not sufficient explanation for the pain and suffering endured by victims, and unfettered access to growing internet pornography and social media exploitation are largely to blame. Personally I choose to take a stand for those who are finding their voice. I fear all women have been sexually harassed at some point in their lives and we all have many stories to tell. My 13-year-old daughter was sexually harassed in eighth grade following our relocation last year. Transitioning as a teenager to a new school in your last year of middle school is diff...