Enjoy These Years
I vividly remember the years when I managed life with four children in tow, ages seven, five, three and newborn baby. I smiled politely, yet secretly despised the well-meaning adults who admonished me to "enjoy these years; before you know it your kids will be grown!" Never mind my precious young children crying in the grocery store, while I, frazzled and weary from lack of sleep and shower deemed food a necessity. It was extremely difficult to envision any light at the end of the tunnel in the fog of parenting multiple young children, let alone acknowledge the admiring grandparents who fondly recalled these years. Lately, with the glaring light at the end of the tunnel on 'high beam', my daughter a high school freshman, I catch myself admiring the young parents pushing toddlers on swings and walking strollers, wishing I could turn back the clock, yet honoring my pledge to never utter those dreaded words...'enjoy these years' to parents in the thick of it! C...