'Twas the Day after Christmas

'Twas the day after Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Tucked under the covers 'til 10am without spouse, I had finally woken alone in my house! Six am, my family set off for the slopes, bittersweet. My recent knee surgery forced me to kick up my feet. Not before I thrift-shopped my legs off Christmas Eve, for ski pants, gloves and coats fit for teens. My husband begrudgingly purchased the tickets, complaining the effort, was less worth the beans. You see Forced Family Fun is not for the faint of heart. Though absolutely better when you can take part! The whine of the child who hates skiing, or apply for jobs, or for that matter, reading, falls on deaf ears to wise 'ole parents of 4 teens. We may look exhausted tho we are resilient, We insist on life skills and believe less screen time is brilliant. My daughter in tears her boyfriend had parted, hadn't realized the fun had only just sta...