I Believe

I believe in the kindness of strangers. I'll admit my belief had been waning amidst angry city drivers and news stories as of late, but recently during the depths of frantic motherhood, my faith in humanity was renewed because I was open to the possibility. Sneaking in a yoga respite prior to the hectic after school schedule, I confidently walked home expecting to find my boys eating a snack at the kitchen counter after school, having arrived safely on their own. Mindfulness can be difficult, especially when my elementary school children are trusted with responsibility and my iPhone is in the shop. Hustling home, I found only my 5th grader devouring chips and managing his homework with the utmost pride. "Where's your brother?" I inquired. "He wasn't on the bus," my son explained, clearly enjoying some time alone in our typically chaotic house. Sheer panic ensued as it had been a full half-hour since school let out and needless to say, my mind was no lo...