The Blessing of Time
Today is the final day of 'Winter Break'; New Year's Day and I am thankful for time.
The kids have had too much screen time, too much time eating candy, too much pestering time, and too much time supervised by parents, so I did what any good parent would do and kicked them out of the house! It's a new year and the sun is shining, even in Portland, so time to get on with those New Years' resolutions...right? I'd rather reflect on the blessing of 'time' by writing alone, as best I know how.
I am thankful to have experienced 18 days together with my four children and husband. Who says that?
I'm not sure we've ever had 18 days together without an insane schedule of activities! Sure, I could do without the week confined to the same travel sleeping quarters with my son and husband coughing like barking dogs at midnight, poor souls, but I'm thankful for that time of forced family fun, especially since our teenage daughter all too ready to fly the coop. Time for Colorado travel to see relatives (and beloved friends far less irritating); time to sleep-in past the school bell; time to play board games as a family laughing at ridiculous songs we sing out of tune or inappropriate pictures my boys draw of human anatomy; time to stay in pajamas for a full day; time to make paper airplanes; and time to construct a 1000 piece puzzle of Paris recalling sights of our favorite family vacation. Time with my kids to make pies and Christmas cookies that I'm thankful are gone. Time to teach the boys how to post Legos and Pokémon for sale on Craigslist inspiring entrepreneurial independence while cleaning under beds no one has dared venture. Time for bike rides downtown and running in the sunshine and bowling (with cheater bumpers so the kids don't whine). Time for my daughter and her friend to cook a six course French meal that took them six hours and every plate, utensil, pot and pan in the kitchen while this tired mom enjoyed their laughter and scrumptious meal more than the best Parisian meal I have ever tasted! Hands down, the best French class assignment ever.
As I look to tomorrow, I'm admittedly terrified. How on earth can I manage the pace of four kids' activities coming off of such a sloth-like existence for nearly three weeks? Basketball, swim team, piano and violin lessons, orchestra, band contests, baseball tryouts, and volunteer work, the list goes on. This is probably why I never have time to put together a list of New Year's resolutions for myself, or put myself together for that matter!
Writing has to be my #1 goal this year and completing a memoir. Great, I just wrote that so now I have to make it come true, dismissing all self-doubt. I am thankful to have the opportunity to sit my over-indulgent holiday-butt down, sans kids, and write for my children and myself! Writing can be lonely at times, which sounds utterly splendid to this busy mother who just needs a moment alone, in the bathroom or otherwise. Taking time to play violin again in my orchestra before baseball and track season begins comes in a close second New Year's resolution, plus time alone with my husband who believes in me. I'll admit I'm not pleased with my holiday weight gain as I sit here devouring the Sour Patch Kids my son gave me for Christmas, but the pounds will come off in time, now that the cookies are gone and I begin running my ass off again!
Sure enough, here come the children, neighbors included, in through the front door on this glorious sunny day bored and ready to be entertained. Did I mention I'm thankful for all their teachers tomorrow? I've already escaped to my peaceful bedroom yet I hear a remote control helicopter outside my door. Guess my time of reflection is over before the whine and pestering ensues from a generation that hasn't learned how to be sloth like me. Or there is always screen time...
Cheers to time for more forced family fun, health, and happiness in the New Year!
The kids have had too much screen time, too much time eating candy, too much pestering time, and too much time supervised by parents, so I did what any good parent would do and kicked them out of the house! It's a new year and the sun is shining, even in Portland, so time to get on with those New Years' resolutions...right? I'd rather reflect on the blessing of 'time' by writing alone, as best I know how.
I am thankful to have experienced 18 days together with my four children and husband. Who says that?
As I look to tomorrow, I'm admittedly terrified. How on earth can I manage the pace of four kids' activities coming off of such a sloth-like existence for nearly three weeks? Basketball, swim team, piano and violin lessons, orchestra, band contests, baseball tryouts, and volunteer work, the list goes on. This is probably why I never have time to put together a list of New Year's resolutions for myself, or put myself together for that matter!
Writing has to be my #1 goal this year and completing a memoir. Great, I just wrote that so now I have to make it come true, dismissing all self-doubt. I am thankful to have the opportunity to sit my over-indulgent holiday-butt down, sans kids, and write for my children and myself! Writing can be lonely at times, which sounds utterly splendid to this busy mother who just needs a moment alone, in the bathroom or otherwise. Taking time to play violin again in my orchestra before baseball and track season begins comes in a close second New Year's resolution, plus time alone with my husband who believes in me. I'll admit I'm not pleased with my holiday weight gain as I sit here devouring the Sour Patch Kids my son gave me for Christmas, but the pounds will come off in time, now that the cookies are gone and I begin running my ass off again!
Sure enough, here come the children, neighbors included, in through the front door on this glorious sunny day bored and ready to be entertained. Did I mention I'm thankful for all their teachers tomorrow? I've already escaped to my peaceful bedroom yet I hear a remote control helicopter outside my door. Guess my time of reflection is over before the whine and pestering ensues from a generation that hasn't learned how to be sloth like me. Or there is always screen time...
Cheers to time for more forced family fun, health, and happiness in the New Year!
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