Oscar Disappointment

Dear Will, When I watched your Oscar acceptance speech, tears streaming down your face, I desperately wanted you to apologize for hitting Chris Rock. Instead, I sat stunned next to my 11-year-old son as you gave a selfish academy award performance justifying your superhero actions. I assume you were still transformed into playing the abrasive character Richard Williams, or perhaps you were avenging your father, who cold-cocked your mother. I imagine famed star and role-model are not titles you chose. They were assigned to you and carry a weighted burden of responsibility. Last night you showed us you are not superhuman and many of us shook our heads in disbelief. ‘The King’ is really just a man. I wonder if Jada asked for family protection? I imagine she can hold her own. There’s no honor in your actions. When my father broke a yard stick across my back chasing me up the stairs in a drunken rage, I swore I’d never forgive him as I packed my belongings and moved in with a nei...