The Defeat of Dumbledore's Army

Defeat builds resilience and losing gracefully is a lifelong skill of maturity. Too often children today are sheltered from discomfort with the 'every child's a winner' mentality. Luckily, my son's 5th grade Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) team 'Dumbledore's Army' experienced defeat last night. Losing gracefully to 'The Unicorn Ewok's', a team of 3rd grade girls, they failed to make the top eight teams in the tournament's second round and another mark of resilience was earned! Dumbledore's Army is anything but a failure and certainly not made up of losers. Rather, the team is comprised of five boys with the greatest sense of humor and zest for life. I was honored to coach their team, though it took every ounce of patience I could muster on Friday afternoons to practice book trivia together. Avid readers, three of the boys, including my son, returned this year to form a larger team of five, including an alternate player. Having been sh...